Nighttime Riding Tips

Motorcycle Riding Tips During Nighttime

Every rider needs to take the proper precautions when riding a motorycycle. As fun as it is to ride a bike, take the necessary precations. Night time riding increases the risk. This calls for increased safety measures. Here are some safety tips for night riding.

  • Cars have trouble seeing you during the day. For night time riding, do everything you can to draw attention to yourself. Install extra lights, wear light clothing, use reflectors, honk around or near cars.
  • Avoid night time riding if at all possible. But it sure is fun to ride at night!
  • Use your high beams regularly to notify other vehicles of your presence.
  • Wear extra reflectors on your helmet, jacket and bike.
  • If the motorcycle has loud pipes, adjust the noise level as the evening progresses
  • Wear clothes that would keep you warm as temperature changes. Good motorcycle leather jackets are recommended. Choose from any well known brand such as Joe Rocket, Alpinestars, Icon, etc..
  • Always carry a cellphone and small flashlights for emergency situations.
  • Remain cautious of animals that wander out in the roads, especially deer, rabbits, and foxes. Be prepared to swerver or stop at moment’s notice.
  • Never drink and ride. Be cautious of riding on weekend nights when drunk driving is more common.
  • Ride extra cautiously around curves and around dirt roads. Loose gravel can cause accidents, especially around turns.
  • Avoid parking your bike in unsafe areas at night. Criminal activity, theft and vandalism always increases at night time.

Tip: Increase your overall riding skills. The better you ride, the safer you’ll ride night or day.